/calm/ You will read my journal!

Like niggers are the most annoying people I've ever met. Ever.
Trvke ou algo. I live in brapzil (muttier and poorer version of America) and the black people here are so loud and so obnoxious it's incredible. There are some good exceptions but some blacks are VERY loud and they WILL NOT stop even if you ask them to
Infact they'll scream slurs at you. (geg)
Trvke ou algo. I live in brapzil (muttier and poorer version of America) and the black people here are so loud and so obnoxious it's incredible. There are some good exceptions but some blacks are VERY loud and they WILL NOT stop even if you ask them to
Infact they'll scream slurs at you. (geg)
I thought Mexicans were OK.
I thought Mexicans were OK.
Mexicans are OK because the majority of them are mutts, not niggers. There's a significant minority of niggers in brapzil so they're common and they stick out like a ignoramus sore thumb. Last I checked it was 20mil blacks in a population of 210mil.
They’re mutts so they range from pretty nice people to literal demons sacrificing people to death itself
Yeah. But niggers I can't stand. They're just sooooooo damn annoying. I honestly have no idea how Americans co-exist with them.
Mexicans are OK because the majority of them are mutts, not niggers. There's a significant minority of niggers in brapzil so they're common and they stick out like an ignoramus sore thumb. Last I checked it was 20mil blacks in a population of 210mil.
We should have castrated our niggers like the Arabs did
I saw a double rainbow today, I think its my lucky day :)
