Eugenics is already becoming an outdated concept. With genetic engineering and stem cell therapies, we can accomplish anything Eugenics could, but faster and more effectively. On top of that they can do things Eugenics never could. It doesn't have the same stigma as Eugenics. I know lots of people want to cry "It's too heck'n dangerous, we don't know enough about the human genome to mess with it!" The same thing applies to artificial selection. Look at the mess domestic dogs and other pets are in. Yes, right now, and in the short term, eugenics in the form of artificial selection is pretty safe and effective. But at the same time, you are only selecting for what's visible. If over 20 generations, you slowly build up mutations on a significant protein to the point that it becomes dysfunctional you can never undo that. We cannot account for every biomolecular process effected by our genetics and epigenetics. By the time we can, we would be so proficient at genetic engineering (since you'd use that to uncover the full function of the genome) that there would be no reason not to just use genetic engineering. Also, when I say genetic engineering, I mean laboratory processes that bypass the central dogma, I don't consider artificial selection genetic engineering. Don't become a Eugenics shill, just get ready for when genetic engineering is ready to be used on "improve" humans.