Was tarrant based?

I don't care if Muslims believe in God, they belong below the white man. Race over religion. Whites first, everything and everyone else last.
>race over religion
540 - SoyBooru.png
>Race over religion
Friend, do you not realize what you're saying here? Race is of the world, and the spiritual realm of The Lord presides over it. We're in God's universe, rather than our own, so it's our duty to follow the Ever-Wise Creator's will over all others, because He is the most wise and most knowledgeable, so He knows the ultimate morality far greater than you or I could without Him.
Baqqrih be like this but then say the nword in the next post
He was Christian.
How can someone claim to be a christian and murder 40 random people, come on, become a pagancuck at that point.

I'd suggest the chuddies in this thread to grow a soul and morals that aren't absolute vantablack, and YES i will be a moralfag this time i don't like the tarrantposting on the sharty or really anywhere, because come on. Maybe it is that i am far too normal for something like supporting 40 people being killed? Hm.
I dont believe in God, and most christians are shitskins so I don't think you got anything to brag about. I say theres about a 50/50 chance that there is or isnt a god, and i'm not going to force other people to believe in those odds either.
What? You don't believe in a godhead, at all? Do you not even see the world around you?
>jail for recording mass murder to muslims award
if that is "based" than no. also even more Muslims are going to New Zealand now and caused mass immigration to go up more. hence the literal le 56% population in NZ at the moment. oh and got the UN islamophobia day because of this. was this worth the time money and logistics over it? no. in short. this was not really worth that. not that i support Muslims in anyway.
>jail for recording mass murder to muslims award
if that is "based" than no. also even more Muslims are going to New Zealand now and caused mass immigration to go up more. hence the literal le 56% population in NZ at the moment. oh and got the UN islamophobia day because of this. was this worth the time money and logistics over it? no. in short. this was not really worth that. not that i support Muslims in anyway.
They're mostly Maori and Asians though
They're mostly Maori and Asians though
The majority of New Zealanders are White. and going down within the last 10 years alone due to some factors that would take a while to explain. here is some. getting too old and leaving the country for mostly Australia. oh and mass immigration. but that is just some stuff that has been happening.