World Female Hotness Index (WFHI)

the circled areas are SISAzones btw
Prince Fajita: Just tell me... When I die, will I see that clown Cacarot in snowbunny heaven?

Boricolo: I won't lie to you, Fajita... Cacarot spent his whole life glazing White people and denouncing racemixing, promoting the racial heirarchy... So when he died he got to become white and live in snowbunny heaven. You, on the other hand, have been mean to White people all your life, so when you die you will go to a very different place...
tranime brap
You say, directly after a comment by an Indio about how he wants to go to "snowbunny heaven".

It's very obvious that White people are viewed as the most beautiful race by every race on earth, since the beginning of history.
fell for bait

in all seriousness, i like sisas of all kinds of races.
30% are sisa the rest are the stereotype of what Eastern Europeans look like.
Huh, I'd say it's 75-85% pretty women from my observations of seeing them in real life, but that's just confirmation bias, most likely. Do you have an example of that "stereotype of what Eastern Europeans look like"? I kind of know what the stereotype is for male appearances, but not for women.