Why is it that most shloggers are Asian?

>La luz extinguido
I can do this in limited capacity but understand very well (bisaya only doe). I can cook a lot of pinoy food.
No way I genuinely randomly guessed you speak bisaya without me having a tiny drop of Pinoy knowledge besides thug shaker filipino dubs I watched last year or something
crackers btfoed
I am for one not a fan of racismo so I won't judge, but you should definitely:
1. lose some weight fatty
2. how the hell are you a shitskin anyways all the FilipiARYANS I met irl are pale or like a good shade of brown, is one of your parents a shitskin? I mean you must be a mutt anyways
No way I genuinely randomly guessed you speak bisaya without me having a tiny drop of Pinoy knowledge besides thug shaker filipino dubs I watched last year or something

I am for one not a fan of racismo so I won't judge, but you should definitely:
1. lose some weight fatty
2. how the hell are you a shitskin anyways all the FilipiARYANS I met irl are pale or like a good shade of brown, is one of your parents a shitskin? I mean you must be a mutt anyways
Parents are both full pinoy, grandparents are full pinoy, and great grandparents are full pinoy. If anyone's mutted is them (bred with mainlandniggers). Also dark from going outside a lot and wearing shorts and tshirt.
These are the people calling themselves aryan and calling you a shitskin because you don't find their forced memes funny.
Calling themselves aryan and calling you a shitskin because you don't find their forced memes funny.
Asians are more likely to be terminally online and find places like the schlog or something, yeah...