When do you think soy culture will die?


Other only linux user on the blog
When will the last 'teen reach terminal-stage JFS; the last soy folder be deleted; the last 'jak be posted; the last soyduel be fought; the last soyquote be quoted; the last mention of the /qa/ be?
>Implying the culture's death is a future event, not a past one
I still find funny jaks on the booru and the constant shitflinging and rage over snca is really funny to me. When it comes to everything else I don't really care for it. The blog is a happy medium between the chaos of the party and the creativity of the booru, and I think the blog will be the real winner and survivor between all three sites.
The culture of creating satire as per what soyjaks were intended for is long dead. What attracts people to sharty culture now is its exclusivity, which probably won't go away any time soon.
I want to add that moving away from satire and becoming a thing of its own can be seen as a sign of maturity, it's not inherently a bad thing. There's somewhat of an ideological cohesion that keeps us here. sharty culture demands a substantial effort assimilate, so we'll have our cool kids' club for quite a while.
The difference between a normal meme and a soyjak is that the soyjak can be infinitely edited to fit a wide variety of shit a meme simply cant. you can caption a meme to mean something else but the image contents will still be the same. soyjaks can be made into really anything.

soyjaks will die when there is no more creativity to make new jaks