Rant WTF is wrong with Soyjak.party and Booru.soy


Why the fuck are they using trash Cloudflare... absolute shit service, they collect and sell data, and it doesn't do shit but cause problems for the user.. wtf is wrong with the web devs.. someone needs to tell them to get this fuck shit off the site..

tell the devs.png
I'll deem @Weebhunter3000 in charge of organizing the Chudarisees who will act as the council to overlook image approvals and community management. I'll setup a wordpress backend with application forms for wannabe Chudarisees and a mini Chudarisee forum for community management, as well as your own chudstar.com e-mail.
>chudarisees even doe it's more like a sanchudrin
Board is live, gonna take a while to configure it but come help test shit chudiggers...

If you see something missing let me know, there are like 100 extensions to play with.
I'm also trying to find a place for a link to the forum... or if you guys make a 728 x 90 px image ill put it in the header in the top so I can promo Chud communities and businesses....