Shit No One Cares About Voice reveal + AMA

i need a gigachad booru asap
please dm me all of your greatest gigachads
i need an entire folder of gigachad images
or else i will have to meticulously colllect them from xiuh himself...
Nusoicaca, just go trough sharty /pol/.
go on /giga/

>thank you so much i now have a whole collection of handsome attractive grey men to goon to
I guess you are right, but I am already too deep into this. I cannot stop.
Maybe you should read into the life of Moses the black, a saint which I assume has a lot in common with you, except maybe skin colour.
Maybe even daily veneration of his icons if you are a catholic or an orthodox.
It's a tough life for you though, if you die and go to heaven, there's going to be Kangz.
If you die and go to hell, Kangz. Everywhere, Kangz follow you. It's easy to understand how someone could end up thinking like Nietzsche and going crazy.
Sad affair, that aryanheaven will never exist.
Also @Soyteen Liker, I relate to your story in many ways, though you already know most of it.
It's just sad to me to see a good proportion of a whole generation being lost to degeneracy, your case is not single, and you have one of the luckier endings to it.
Glad you're getting better, I'll pray for you
Maybe I'd rank it like this:
Two-pointing soyjaks: extremely versatile, represents soyboys well, and is generally funny
A24 soyjak: not as versatile but very soy and pretty funny
Doctos: a funny as fuck way to represent the feeling of "AAAAAAHHHH!" but isn't really that versatile or classic

Least favorite:
1. Israeli: ugly as fuck and not really funny to me
2. Nojak: doesn't stand out and is mostly useless
3. Alicia: doesn't have a certain charm and isn't representative of most trannies, I find their own caricatures funnier like those pooner and gigahon funnier and more versatile

Cuban hispanic!

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Doctos is a subvariant, please choose another variant
Doctos is a subvariant, please choose another variant
Guess I'll pick Tony Soprano cuz it's funny and reminds me of the "what you see vs what she sees" meme.
I have a question for you though, are you doing something with how me or other soyteens answer about our favorite and least favorite variants?
Why do you speak like that autistic redditor weird kid we all knew at school?
GEG I was so retarded in middle school that I showed people memes from Reddit on the bus. There was a boy who was quiet and had autistic stiff mannerisms who I approached to ask for his 'cord but he said he didn't want to add me. it_hurts