Very serious I live in a shithole, AMA

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gimme a story from the ghetto o algo I'm not a hoodlum I wouldn't know
Go in a random streets no one goes in, 2/10 a black bvll will be taking a huge shit there.
If you walk back home at night, you have a chance of hearing someone die, example: yesterday I heard a woman screaming which got quickly cut off by a loud metal bang.
A pack of kids trying to open doors.
A group of toddlers smoking.
A bus driver getting stabbed.
gross mutt award
You do realize nobody in Europe is a 100% aboriginal? everybody's been everywhere and although not as mixed as the typical United Statesian, is not a 100% "pureblood" as some may like to think, even more so nowadays given how atrocious the immigration laws are.
Not my problem nor worth my time considering.
I'd rather be a pure shitskin than a slavic rapebaby mutt sludge creature (Chimperator is a lying indian)
Not that I am a shitskin however, if one's shit is the color of my skin, they should see a doctor
Not my problem nor worth my time considering.
I'd rather be a pure shitskin than a slavic rapebaby mutt sludge creature (Chimperator is a lying indian)
Not that I am a shitskin however, if one's shit is the color of my skin, they should see a doctor
>I'm going to ignore everything you said and reiterate my own personal beliefs without considering yours, I'd also rather be a mixed South American or a mixed brownie from Gurglestan, Begistan, or Whogivesafuckastan than to be a mixed faggot from Europe