Very serious I live in a shithole, AMA

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Red or purple.
Based as fuck.

Too modern.
Fuck... is the housing the same way? do they look like they were built in the '50s or '60s? perhaps even earlier?

The question I have for you Imperator is; do you interact with any of your neighbors or is that too risky of a decision, do you keep to yourself or engage when you have to? are you more of a social kind of guy in general or more introverted?
Based as fuck.

Fuck... is the housing the same way? do they look like they were built in the '50s or '60s? perhaps even earlier?

The question I have for you Imperator is; do you interact with any of your neighbors or is that too risky of a decision, do you keep to yourself or engage when you have to? are you more of a social kind of guy in general or more introverted?
I'm extremely social, too social maybe. I even got nicknames.
Most of my friends are migrants, I'm friends with every single ethnicity (except pajeets there aren't that many).
Actually, I know you've stated on numerous occasions that you're Jewish, and you don't have to say if you're not comfortable stating, but what ethnicity do you belong to on either side (mother or father)?
My ethnic background is very complex (I still haven't discovered everything) but basically we are Slavs mixed with South Germans.