I gotchu, I know the feeling but I can't help wonder : what do you mean by "going to church, praying, reading the bible" ?
I feel like this is a trap that I fell into myself, to say that certain actions in faith inevitably should lead to a specific consequence, aka praying should lead to God at least giving me a feeling of his presence, as if God was merely a scientific law but in the spiritual realm.
It isn't really the case.
If you tried praying once or twice, went to church a few times and prayed from time to time when things went bad, were you really close enough to God to feel his presence ?
I know this sounds a bit pedantic if not fallacious, because you could ask stuff like "well what's close enough then ?".
It's true that no one will ever reach the perfection of Christ to begin with, so at what point are you close enough to God to feel him or see him in any way ?
I don't believe there is a "point". That's where I appreciate the Eastern Orthodox perspective of theosis, becoming close to God is a process, not a switch. There is no "point" where you suddenly become close to God, it's a continuous fight against yourself, a denial of yourself to reach closer to God.
At times, I myself feel very close to God and really do feel Him in a way that I cannot feel anything else. But during other times, when I'm in a cycle of sin and laziness when it comes to faith and interacting with God, I don't feel Him at all and it feels pretty bad.
So my question to you would be both what do you mean by doing this stuff, and also what should God do, if he did exist, in your mind ?
Should he show himself automatically when someone asks Him any sign, should he send a divine feeling everytime someone prays to Him ? What are your thoughts ?