Rant Why does the sharty suck now?

<how do we fix the party, suggestions please?
>uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no way back SHUT IT DOWN!!!
It's over, shut it down and make the Sharty domains redirect to the Shlog.
<how do we fix the party, suggestions please?
>uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no way back SHUT IT DOWN
That is moreso an issue with the captcha, and yeah the captcha is kind of shit. Just click to get a new captcha if you can't read the text or find what you have to click, doesn't take long.
I personally find a low quality captcha disappointing, i understand that it's not a serious issue but i'd prefer it if the captcha was fixed or reworked.
Still no good suggestions come on nusoisluttas ::selfish::
I hold the belief that it's not the admins or jannies who make /soy/ gemmy or coaly but rather the 99% of the userbase who use it, the geminess of the 'log rests in the hands of the 'jakking population, sorry that i bothered you over this.
Holy shit how are /pol/tards this stupid. One BNWO thread and 3 tranny threads that are such obvious bait and they still manage to catch the hook line and sinker every time. I still see some wiseguys saging and super-saging the posts but it's all dumb niggers. What the fuck man. Nusoisluttas can't be this stupid maine.
Holy shit how are /pol/tards this stupid. One BNWO thread and 3 tranny threads that are such obvious bait and they still manage to catch the hook line and sinker every time. I still see some wiseguys saging and super-saging the posts but it's all dumb niggers. What the fuck man. Nusoisluttas can't be this stupid maine.
super-saging bait is useless since they have such high PPH that it gets cancelled out instantly.
Jannies are now literally approving/sponsoring NAS gooner-fuel troonslop on /soy/

Frootcord isn’t doing anything about this
I personally find a low quality captcha disappointing, i understand that it's not a serious issue but i'd prefer it if the captcha was fixed or reworked.

I hold the belief that it's not the admins or jannies who make /soy/ gemmy or coaly but rather the 99% of the userbase who use it, the geminess of the 'log rests in the hands of the 'jakking population, sorry that i bothered you over this.
Wow! You win.
It is the users who usually make a log' gemmy or coal, sure staff can do this or that but at the end of the day it depends on if THE USERS put out gemmy raids, OC and fun engaging threads, what staff does is clean up and sweep sweep and maybe host a big event or server for a game, at the end of the day it really is up to the users to make an engaging log and to not interact with shit bait i'd say.
Holy shit how are /pol/tards this stupid. One BNWO thread and 3 tranny threads that are such obvious bait and they still manage to catch the hook line and sinker every time. I still see some wiseguys saging and super-saging the posts but it's all dumb niggers. What the fuck man. Nusoisluttas can't be this stupid maine.
Because they're 12 year olds from twitter/discord who haven't got the slightest clue what bait even is
Wow! You win.
It is the users who usually make a log' gemmy or coal, sure staff can do this or that but at the end of the day it depends on if THE USERS put out gemmy raids, OC and fun engaging threads, what staff does is clean up and sweep sweep and maybe host a big event or server for a game, at the end of the day it really is up to the users to make an engaging log and to not interact with shit bait i'd say.
The events are kinda gay sometimes like the fucking froot anniversary one but they're fine.
The events are kinda gay sometimes like the fucking froot anniversary one but they're fine.
I think they're fun little things to engage the userbase with, i think the first soyanniversary that i hosted MIGHT have been a little too much, the soyoween is much better i believe since there's less stuff to manage and worry about.

Frootanniversary wasn't hosted by me actually.
Soyanniversary and Soyoween currently were DOE.
I think they're fun little things to engage the userbase with, i think the first soyanniversary that i hosted MIGHT have been a little too much, the soyoween is much better i believe since there's less stuff to manage and worry about.

Frootanniversary wasn't hosted by me actually.
Soyanniversary and Soyoween currently were DOE.
I hated the Halloween soyfest because it was very boring. You guys need to stop doing bullshit LOL fantasy type soyfests and focus on more understable things like I don't know, Team Halloween vs. Team Christmas