Which one of these hecking wholesome, anti-western imp*rialism, free, democratic and prosperous multipolar world countries would you rather live in?



And why? Also, you're not given the chance to opt out being relocated, but that's only because of homofascist western sanctions, o algo así.
>safe even though people literally get killed on the streets by mentally ill people
>rich even though most of the country is poor and the economy is shitting itself
it’s the only functioning nation on this list besides india but nobody picked india because they’re all RACIST!!
statistics on murder rates, corruption, average IQ, human development index and average monthly salaries are all western propaganda saar
give me a work visa though saar im from good lineage saar


  • Flynn_Effect-276089-edited.png
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just the heckin socio economic factors....
So true sister. Our material reality has no impact on ourselves. We exist in a vaccum.
Btw china sissies, this is how “safe” the country is.
>Single incident
Be quiet ignorant westoid. You sound like a seething firstie.


  • China-Aus-Death-Rate-Workers-1-672x372-3976194560.png
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>wahhh footage I don’t like exists
I don't care if you show me 100 videos of stabbings. It doesn't change the actual reality that, per capita, China is safer than the vast majority of countries. It's not my problem if your puny puerto rican brain is too monkeylike to comprehend something as simple as per capita. Bye!
I don't care if you show me 100 videos of stabbings. It doesn't change the actual reality that, per capita, China is safer than the vast majority of countries. It's not my problem if your puny puerto rican brain is too monkeylike to comprehend something as simple as per capita. Bye!
Holy shit most of the world is Africa and South America, this is like comparing hell vs a slightly colder hell.