>Picked the lowest acceptable answer for what the age of consent should be
Because the AOC is 16 where I live.
>but agreed with someone else that they cannot say their true opinions because of all the "antis" (as in, anti-lolicons) on the site
>Frequents a site where 'p is regularly posted
Just because I go on the jarty doesn't mean I'm posting 'p on there
>Said the girls from touhou are "hot" even doe they all look 9
>Thinks calling fictional characters attractive is the same as being a real life pedophile
No normal person thinks these things, stop being so terminally online.
>Into other weird shit like diapers
That's ironic doe
Because the AOC is 16 where I live.
>but agreed with someone else that they cannot say their true opinions because of all the "antis" (as in, anti-lolicons) on the site
>Frequents a site where 'p is regularly posted
Just because I go on the jarty doesn't mean I'm posting 'p on there
>Said the girls from touhou are "hot" even doe they all look 9
>Thinks calling fictional characters attractive is the same as being a real life pedophile
No normal person thinks these things, stop being so terminally online.
>Into other weird shit like diapers
That's ironic doe