Mr. Kennedy just can't stop winning. Best take on capitalism I've seen for a candidateY-you h-h-ave t-to h-ave a s-stabl-le e-env-viron-m-ment i-in ord-der t-to cr-rea-te th-he gr-roun-dwo-orks f-for su-uc-ch a sy-s-ste-m.. an-nd y-you c-c-an't h-h-ave a d-d-e-moc-rac-cy wi-tho-ut a-an inf-orm-e-ed pu-ubli-c-c. I-I-I'm a-an envi-ro-o-nm-men-t-tali-st a-and I-I th-i-ink be-ff-fore co-nside-r-ring th-he et-hi-cs o-of ca-p-pita-lis-m, I-I th-in-k w-e nee-d-d t-to fir-st a-addr-es-ss t-the cir-rc-u-mst-tan-ces o-of ou-r-r w-o-orld a-as it i-is, an-d ho-w-w it's-s go-o-ing u-up in f-flames. B-but, t-to an-s-swer y-your qu-uesti-o-on dir-rectly... i-it b-bene-f-fits t-the af-fflu-e-ent an-d p-pow-erful, th-hat i-is a gi-giv-en.
Dr. CobsonMr. Kennedy just can't stop winning. Best take on capitalism I've seen for a candidate
You have to have a stable environment in order to create the groundworks for such a system, and you can't have democracy without an informed public. I'm an enviromentalist and I think before considering the ethics of capitalism, I think we need to address the circumstances of the world as it is, and how it's going up in flames. But, to answer your question directly, it benefits the affluent and powerful, that is a given.
Y-your.. s-sup-port is a-app-precia-t-ed...Mr. Kennedy just can't stop winning. Best take on capitalism I've seen for a candidate