Well I'm glad you felt the need to announce your victory as it's clear to nobody else, obvious even to you no doubt
Tell me do you come up with these responses in between snorts of cocaine? That would explain the delay and why the following ones are always more nonsensical than the previous. If you actually read anything that I've written on the slog on the topic you'd understand how retarded of a question you posed, but you simply don't read. Never did I claim I'm a great person or that I do many good deeds, nor that being on a forum saves me, nor that my works save me. You're just fighting windmills because that's the only thing you CAN fight
As it should, shame it had no effect on yours
There it is again, the penal substitution of the reformation. Tell me, how is salvation a gift if it needs to be paid for? How can you say God is gifting us salvation if he required a payment for it? How is he forgiving us sins if he's actually getting compensated? By definition, if you believe Christ died to "pay" for our sins, then the Father doesn't truly love us unconditionally, nor forgive us. You're literally reducing salvation to a monetary transaction!
"penal substitution removes unconditional love from God and God doesn’t actually forgive. God can’t love us unless He has an outlet for his wrath. Again from Renault, “His “self-giving” love is only made possible by His “self-satisfying” justice.” If His love is conditional on his wrath being appeased, God also doesn’t forgive us - unlike the parable of the servant forgiven his debt or the prodigal Son, God doesn’t welcome us back or forgive us, but instead requires someone else to pay the debt, contrary to how Christ explains the love of the Father for us. Plus, the Father is changed - He is angry with us, Christ bares his wrath, and now He loves us like he loves Christ - we aren’t forgiven, God is merely appeased! penal substitution also renders Christ’s sacrifice imperfect. God’s wrath remains, but only on some. Christ’s sacrifice for all of humanity is contingent. God is only appeased for some, not all."
That's a cut of the article I sent you but that you were too prideful to read