Discussion /scaling/ - Powerscaling and Crossverse General

My scp-001 suggestion
Name: BBC bull
Containment class: Apollyon
Power: if the BBC bull does not have an offering of 12 snowbunnies every month, it will destroy the omni ultra multi scarlet king who is the absolute strongest only besides the bbc bvll
Now let's discuss on scp-000 (the BWC bull) VS scp-001.

Acro solos everyone ITT
Since it hasn't been said yet, Archie Sonic absolutely rapes every character in fiction (including your favorite unless it's Jiren.)
You got that right, within this general thread, we debate, powerscale, and discuss about verses, characters, and cosmologies.
This whole thing spawned from the YouTube community post I made, since I said that powerscaling will come to the 'schlog.
Also, me personally, I don't formally debate in text, I mainly do it in vc. So if you want to have a formal long-form debate with me on a particular topic, I'd prefer to go on the sharty /mtv/ VC thread to debate on that particular topic. Albeit, I am always up for having a quick informal conversation / discussion.
I hope you become an ex-muslim
Who would win?
Batman Vs james bond