Coal Roleplay thread o algo

Well excuse me, bitch. But I can assure you that I graduated top of my class at Happy Harvard, the best school on The Island. I was taught to fight, to survive, to lead. I am 10, if not 20 times more capable of beating your ass than you are of calling yourself a parent, especially towards me. I can assure I am not a child, but rather a threat. If I can see you, I can kill you. I will build empires with the world around me and watch them crumble on your body as you suffer slowly, tower after tower falling on top of you. I will not hesitate to fight you, nor will I hesitate to kill you and have you suffer the slow death you deserve.
Do not make me start flossing. Or else.
>OwO *notices ur bulge* *pounces on u* Rawwwr!!! 0////0
i was fooling around in vs code, seething at why it wouldn't let me run my c++ code then i realized its because i wasn't in a trusted window
this is relevant because i am larping as a tech nurd (evandoe i am one irl)