NoFap/NoGoon thread

I unfortunately gooned yesterday, but it hasn't made me sad though especally since i don't seek pornography anymore. My current obstacle facing my nofap lifestyle is two tubes or lube mom bought for me, one is unused and can be refunded, the other is used.

What do i do with a used bottle of lube?
I unfortunately gooned yesterday, but it hasn't made me sad though especally since i don't seek pornography anymore. My current obstacle facing my nofap lifestyle is two tubes or lube mom bought for me, one is unused and can be refunded, the other is used.

What do i do with a used bottle of lube?
Why does your mom buy you lube
scared soyak ears.png

two tubes or lube mom bought for me
projecting? arent you cp poster though
If you want to be a redditnigger and mass react to my posts because I made you butthurt, that's one thing, but don't accuse me of being a pedo just because I called your posts trash.

Also it's 'p not cp newnigger.
Mom told me yesterday that she uses the lube for medical purposes and brings it to the hospital, i assume it's a woman thing i don't understand, besides, i'm glad my nofap journey has been going so well for me, ever since i turned 16 and matured and ever since Ramadan happened last month and diciplined me into being less horny, inshallah i can safely go my entire adult life without busting a nut.

It's 100% true that porn will destory you no matter what you fap to, eventually a NEET gooner will get tired of fapping to the same biological female, and so begins his desecnt into illegal content.