GEG Nagolbud OWNED BlackHawk in conversation. FAGGOT AWARENESS WEEK


from my chud book... still trolling. hahahahhahahaha
I was pretty big on youtube when this came out and i fell in love chuds... so how does a chud flirt... hack her website, then when she disappeared fake her death to try and get her to come back and play music.... hahaha. she chose black rock banking...

I was just a mere chudling at the time...
i just did a 3 a.m. cig haul. im just curious what the chuds do with it. be interesting what that comments are in the morning, if any
@nagolbud's Number 1 Fan any explanation about the pedo thread? You seemed to hate nagolbud when you first joined but after a while you started living up to your name for whatever reason.
I was just pissed about that tiktok video. I found him from and had thr same username, i was just ranting when i saw that tiktok video then i found those reviews on his website
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