GEG Nagolbud OWNED BlackHawk in conversation. FAGGOT AWARENESS WEEK

You can't joke about that shit here in mexico, they'll cut me up if they think im that kinda dude. and i aint. i dont want no kids brothas. I get the joke, no worries, but i put myself out there.... women have more power in mexico cuz of mother mary worship and catholicism.
I want ya'll to succeed, even as a business man I don't win if my "client" doesn't. So even from a basic business 101 perspective, I still want you to succeed... but I got empathy, I grew up with a sociopathic mother bros... I get it. Haven't talked to my family in 10-15 years.
I also let blackhawk into my discord. Cuz ill tustle with you, but i still got love. I've been in plenty of fights in the usa and mexico, but this is how they end...
i get it tho, its easy to make jokes an shit... but its like, what happens if i get caught up for smokin weed on the beach and they see that shit.. now they're gonna really run my shit... i legit have nothing more than traffic tickets in the usa, but still...
its not that big of a deal cuz i've been using fake names for 15 years cuz i figured this shit would happen... and its happened many times from feminist cunts..
but still, call me names, toss your shit, but pedophile stuff, thats gay. I'd kill a mofo for your damn kids... i dont even have any.
@nagolbud's Number 1 Fan any explanation about the pedo thread? You seemed to hate nagolbud when you first joined but after a while you started living up to your name for whatever reason.

I think he's a good dude, just got a little autistic, nothing but love man. I'd be the first one to go John Wick on a mofo and get any one of ya'lls kids back. I've been a ghost for over 10 years. And thats one reason the mafia has always protected me here too. Ya'll @Weebhunter3000 damn admins better delete this shit later so I don't get hemmed up.
You can’t "OWN" a schizo. Literally impossible. It's like trying to capture territory on Mars.

That's why you gotta be blunt and real bro. Im a sperg too... I appretiate honesty more than anything. We all make mistakes. I'd rather ride out with 100 schizos than 50000 normies.
im old now, lotta the social media shit you see from my name is like 10-15 years old now... so i got some experience now.
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