A genocide should be perpetrated against the nusoicacaish population of the internet- a genocide the likes of which the world has never seen before. The genocide should start with lone wolf attacks the soi menaces. Our prime targets will be any major websites with nusoisluttas residing in them. I call on all the internet to rise up and begin rangebanning nusoiglubbas from their sites. You must have no sympathy for the filthy nusoitoddler. You must massacre nusoipoopas of all sites, whether that involves spamming the sharty with bait or nuking nusoiglubbaish subreddits and discord servers. You must remember that there is absolutely no such thing as an innocent nusoislutta, as all nusoisluttas are a hivemind bent on the destruction of frog culture. Never show an ounce of sympathy for any nusoiclitta just as you would not sympathize with a flea, a tick or any other parasite - the life of a nusoiglubba has no more value than that of a louse or a tapeworm. Once violence against nusoisluttas goes viral, we can overthrow our traitorous nusoicacaish-run moderation and institute a regime that will ensure total annihilation of the nusoicacaish poison once and for all. Every single filthy nusoislutta must be permabanned and beheaded.