Jaking Lord of Old Qway
Also, now that I think about it, I do have proof that I took or saved that picture back then. The wiki was down when I posted that (which I did right away because I have it saved on my computer already) and it still is down. Maybe it is the same image and I downloaded it after someone posted it or maybe the one on the 'ki (if it really is the same image) was my image someone else downloaded. It's always funny how these splinter circlejerk 'arty hate threads always need to devolve into these pointless tangents. I didn't even want to claim I'm an oldtroon. It's just funny how when you point out every issue splintercels have with the 'arty are100 times worse on their 10pph shitsite, they need to try to derail or discredit you. I could be the newest NewGod and the Sh*mmy and J*rty would still be inactive 'arty clones known for being filled with nametroons and fetish shit.Stolen from the wiki, it's even identically cropped.