I moderate a soicuck website, AMA

Frankly I agree with the sentiment that the sharty turned to shit after Soot because so much coal is running rampant now
Soot actually endorsed shemmy at one point I believe

Still, we need to remove all these trannies from the site
There has only been one tranny to ever post on the shemmy (as in using retarded /lgbt/ slang) and he was shilling the sharty.
There has only been one tranny to ever post on the shemmy (as in using retarded /lgbt/ slang) and he was shilling the sharty.
Dead site doe, if it's alive I'll post there but it's dead and I won't help because I'm a SLF but I will post there if it's alive doe
Frankly I agree with the sentiment that the sharty turned to shit after Soot because so much coal is running rampant now
Soot actually endorsed shemmy at one point I believe

Still, we need to remove all these trannies from the site
>Erm, the sharty turned to heck'n shit after soot left, which is why you should use these 2pph splinters that suffer from the same exact issues the 'arty does but 1000 times worse and without any of the gems the sharty makes.
The only real differences between the 'arty under soot and the 'arty now is that there are more users, the memes have changed, and there is less 'p. Even under root the 'arty was 10 times more active than with soot. The soot era had its perks and, in many ways, could be seen as the best time on the 'arty so far, however its clear 95% of the people who say they were here for soot era have 0 idea how it was back then. It's insane how people shill hellholes like the sh*mmy and J*rty when they are best known for soytan diaper and gay nate fanfics. If you are upset over the state of /soy/, just make good threads and posts.
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wordswordswords newtrannies are good diversity is our strength
average sharty users.jpg