Official AMA I am the real ROOT, one of the countless sharty admins and protector of /qa/.

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I find it amusing that Rhubarb's threads have gone from me and one other guy samefagging Pokémon requests to people just attempting to court her, but also a bit sad that she's receptive to it and is just feeding coomers' insanity while not making any more cool drawings. I draw my pokeymans by myself now though, so IIWII, though I do miss xer gemmy soyjak OC.
I find it amusing that Rhubarb's threads have gone from me and one other guy samefagging Pokémon requests to people just attempting to court her, but also a bit sad that she's receptive to it and is just feeding coomers' insanity while not making any more cool drawings. I draw my pokeymans by myself now though, so IIWII, though I do miss xer gemmy soyjak OC.
shes probably a femcel, no sane woman uses the sharty
Hello my faithful followers, I could've made an epic joke by making this announcement in CGPT but I think that's dead humor now. Like I disclosed to Angeleno in an email last week, and now I think is ready to be made public, I stepped down from admin duties of Sharty. Not a Nu-nuadmin larp or being one of the head janny cabal, but actually finally stepped down. After NuAdmin I'm sure it's a boy who cried wolf situation to many, but now the wolf is actually real.

Broot will remove my admin rights here shortly by request because I don't need them. I have full faith in the new 4 leaders of Sharty, one of them being my protege Mud (this much should be obvious to anybody) who is truly a heckin wholesome african american who knows soy culture very well.

If Wikiaryans needed a source to change all my pronouns from is to was, this is it. I put a solid year of work into the soysphere, learned a lot and had a lot of fun.

Keep fighting the good fight, 'teens. Look past soysphere drama and remember your purpose.
this is so sad add a cry reaction
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