Keyed I am Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, AMA.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

F-fut-ur-e m-Mo-od-er-at-tor o-o-of th-h-e s-it-e
Greetings and salutations Schlog, I am Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. son of Robert Francis Kennedy; Former Attorney General under JFK, Lawyer and campaigner for President of the United States before his untimely death in 1968, and nephew to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States until his untimely death and assassination in 1963. Both assassinations committed by the CIA (grifters).
I myself am currently campaigning to become the 47th President of the United States of America (and moderator of the Schlog). I, like my father am a lawyer, but I am also the founder of two organizations and advocacy groups dedicated to the prospects of good, the founder of my own politicial party, an independant candidate for the 2024 election, and like my father, am a 100% honest and true American patriot.

Written by KennedyGPT-3000.
Kennedy family has to be the most cursed families ever, all of them died tragic deaths.
T-t-this i-is t-tru-e... N-no-t a-all... b-but m-many h-h-ave... M-my f-father, m-my un-cle, t-tw-o a-actu-al-ly.. m-my g-g-rand-f-ath-er... a-and a-au-unt... t-two o-of my b-brothers, m-my cou-si-in a-and hi-s wi-fe... t-t-he l-list g-g-oes o-on an-nd -o-on...