Found evidence of anti-porn amongst a non-white


2024 oldGOD
I found a twitter account by a non-white being anti-porn in the same way as on here. It could be leftists?

I don't think it's the complete picture but these sea ****** are part of the problem.


  • 0235_.png
    143.2 KB · Views: 145
but why are so many redditards for porn then if they are mostly libcucked soyboys?
There are still plenty of feminists who are pro porn, but a lot of anti porn people have also always been feminists. Libshit redditors don't actually believe in anything though, they just argue for whatevers the most acceptable, they are very slimy people.
Why the heck are you trying to use this as evidence that hating pornography is bad? I just don’t understand your thinking at all, even when you personally brought this to me. It just confuses me more.