Aside from the birthday cake my mother makes me once a year (except for this one because women are unreliable and you can't trust them), toblerone is a close second
I'm not really a sweets type of guy but when I do:
Reeses anything, Kit Kats, Cookies n Cream Hershey Bars, Smarties, Dots, Jolly Ranchers, Gummy X, Sour Gummy X, Peeps Marshmallow Ghosts, Twix, Skittles and sometimes candy corn
I also forgot to mention those little pumpkin like candies that are sort of like candy corn but not really, they're also better than candy corn by a longshot,
Am I autistsism? So basically I "stim" (that word makes mee look like a retard) but I have ADHD. I am somewhat socially retarded but it's probably because I live in a city environment which hates community and family and even online I am quite retarded but I actually think I could probably find a good friend online. I'm bored. I seem quite good at charismatics though even if negative and also can analyze myself good yeah. Clang rhyming like a schizo dude. Hahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahha. I like conspiracies theory, punk, gamebooks, not really soyjaks and fishing. I'm dumber than a rock anyways.