Shit No One Cares About Do you have long hair?

Hitler is for the germanics, and the germanics have the blood of failure, world war one the germanics lost, world war two the germanics lost, every germanic empire fallen in the most pathetic way. I don't care what Hitler did, he's a germanic frustrated hunchback and that's enough to burst out laughing at how he killed himself like the coward loser he was.
He's right you know, didn't Hitler sperg out and say he regretted trying to save the Germanic race when Germany was losing or something?
Lazy dirty niggers can't withstand the fact there are people that actually take care of their hair.
Almost every autistic male I meet with long hair doesn't take good care of it at all. It's disgusting and they should just get shorter hair which is easier to manage.
Yeah, same, but what I mean is that chudcels say the Holocaust didn't happen so what did Hitler even do? Leave Germany in a worse state than he started? Left it to be completely subdued by foreign powers? Kill himself? Kill millions of young, white men? It just doesn't make sense to praise the guy if the big jew killing event didn't happen
I agree that Hitler was too soft handed on the jews, that was his downfall. he let too many escape and all he did was keep them imprisoned. still, it was a step in the right direction in restricting jewish influences
Almost every autistic male I meet with long hair doesn't take good care of it at all. It's disgusting and they should just get shorter hair which is easier to manage.
Not my fault you live in Spergland doe, everyone here in my non-shithole town actually takes care of their body and such.
I take it you have long hair, then?
you reacted to it retard
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the only way this happens is when niggers dont shower, do people not have access to shampoo or smth?
Autists don't like to shower because the water splashing on their bodies is agonizing or something like that. Either that or they're just lazy faggots with no concern of matching the standards of REAL women
the only way this happens is when niggers dont shower, do people not have access to shampoo or smth?
I know why this happens. It's genetical. Some people always have their hair greasy and disgusting while others even if they don't shower, they have their hair like a greek god.
Even though having greasy hair is better than balding.