part time boogeyman on /vp/
granted, you get post-op yanderedev as your gf
i wish for free robux
i wish for free robux
TJD is granted, but you have to play Halo Reach for 400 hours for it to be permanentha get ninja'd nerd
granted, you're able to play halo reach
unfortunately, it's halo reach
i wish for tjd
Granted but a continental European war breaks out and the Czech Republic collapses into civil war and you die in a coupGranted but you gonna have to drink piss to be immortal atleast once a day
I wish for presidency of czech republic
Everyone in the world is Muslim now but we're 200 years in the future and the space Jihadists are having trouble with the aliens on MarsGranted but a continental European war breaks out and the Czech Republic collapses into civil war and you die in a coup
I wish everyone in the world was Muslim