Procrastinating is my biggest issue too... It's hard not to with all the technology, social media, and so on... It's a horrible cycle that few have the will power to break free from. Unless you have the will power to break a 5 year long vise as a NEET of 5 years, you need to throw yourself off a cliff to make a change. Not a literal cliff, but you need to put yourself in a situation where you HAVE to make a change. Actually apply to as many jobs on as you can. (I'd suggest warehouse jobs for their low requirements and high pay as a start). Then the moment you start working, get yourself off all your support systems like neetbucks. Make it so that if you do not claw your way through life, you starve. Something along those lines. I worked nights at a warehouse to make some extra money, and I saw 20–30-year-olds who needed the second job to pay off their baby mommas and would never have a cent of their own no matter how many hours they worked. I saw 50–60-year-old guys who just had no skills and no savings who had to work back breaking labor. At some point for some reason, you will have to work. It's hard. Its unpleasant. You don't want to do it. It's not fair. But at least take your agency into your own hands, and be the one to jump off the cliff, rather than have some outside force throw you off it. And yeah, it'll suck at first, but I assure you when you are chilling out on the 'arty after work or on the weekends, every moment of it will feel 100 times better.