Personally though, completely unironically, I'm not political at all, but I share traits with right-wingers that could make people easily confuse me for one despite my all around centrist beliefs. I come to this website as a retrieve from main stream media and "greater society" as I call it because of just how shit most zoomer media is etc. Like this place I believe is kind of like the new underground, the new zoomer counter culture and if it isn't then what is? That's why there's so many racist and "oppressive" jokes, it's because shit like BLM and trannies have been normalized and pushed into our faces and we're not having it so we might aswell just make fun of it and make funny drawings of them.
That's my viewpoint atleast, the soysphere is a community of underground zoomers who shy away from shit like TikTok and Discord due to their unwillingness to even platform us and our ideas thanks to their policies and dystopian views on how "tolerance" should allow one class or group of humans to be more powerful than others simply because "they deserve to be protected" to the point where Discord moderators have an absolute spasm attack if you criticize them for the weird porn they watch or "vomit react" to furry art (this is something I learned from an Asmongold clip which I passed by the other day)
I think it's this kind of shit that enforces why we're here, we make fun of mostly everything, even ourselves and everything is just ironic and edgy, however, as much as I hate iDubbbz, there is a slight truth to how irony eventually becomes reality, like how supposedly, gen Z slang like "rizz" and "gyatt" were just ironic jokes that the next generation adopts and treats completely seriously, buuuut is any of that shit even true lets be honest idk
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