Shit No One Cares About You got drafted but you need to decide on the service branch and explain your reasoning


User has a large penis
Air Force
Marine Corps
(No coast guard or le space force because fuck you)

If you picked the army or marine corps, would you be an infantryman, tank crewman, close air support chud, etc.

If you picked the navy, would you be a sailor, pilot, etc.

If you picked the air force, would you be a fighter pilot or a bomber pilot or etc.

Probably should've posted this in qa
depends on who the enemy is
if they are some backwards hellhole then you have the greatest chances of survival by serving in the air force
you know if you just want to survive, like me, i would just pick the navy, it is the least dangerous route.
my reasoning would be that in my lore i have a nautical history or something idk..
not exactly a nautical history like boating or fishing but i know alot abt fish and extinct aquatic species and stuff like that
maybe i could be one of those guys in the navy that train dolphins to defuse bombs or smth..
I'll declare myself a trans now and demand leaving
Air Force or space force, easily since those are the safest corps to work in and while also being paid best and more based on intellectual skill rather than brawn.
Air Force
Marine Corps
(No coast guard or le space force because fuck you)

If you picked the army or marine corps, would you be an infantryman, tank crewman, close air support chud, etc.

If you picked the navy, would you be a sailor, pilot, etc.

If you picked the air force, would you be a fighter pilot or a bomber pilot or etc.

Probably should've posted this in qa
I like the idea of being in the army or marine corps but there's such a high chance of just being instantly blown up from miles away that it'd probably just suck. So i'd probably go with the air force (fighter pilot, specifically) since i'd bet dog fights are pretty fun, if those even happen anymore.
I like the idea of being in the army or marine corps but there's such a high chance of just being instantly blown up from miles away that it'd probably just suck. So i'd probably go with the air force (fighter pilot, specifically) since i'd bet dog fights are pretty fun, if those even happen anymore.
American planes are so advanced that dog fighting for americans is seeing how far enemies can be sniped
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