Would you never eat again if you could

If you had the option to never eat again (but you magically get all the nutrients you would have gotten if you did eat), would you take it?

I would because eating is really time consuming. Not only does eating itself take like an hour a day, but when you account for time spend buying groceries, cooking, and washing dishes, it’s a real time drain. Not to mention it’s super expensive - food and cooking equipment aren’t cheap. Plus food is bad for your teeth
that soudns like virtue
virtue is something that SHOUULD be happening
sin is something that is being happening. I am tired of this fucking world and it's uunfair.
But for every hour I spend eating I could spend an hour watching TikToks to get a similar amount of pleasure without making to buy and prepare food. TikTok is free, food isn’t
>I can taste the pixels in my screen
The only reason you would choose brain numbing slop over luxury food is because you've never had it before