WNT devlog

I'm sure it's mostly trolling, though it's gotten a bit out of hand today.
If it's not trolling, I'm thinking they're all obese and unkempt brown people who gave up on women and think men are going to be easier. Of course I'm at fault for some of it, yes.
Rather odd how at least 3-4 people have tried to do this stuff to me now. I can't even remember the order of how it went, but I know it started with SoyGoy about maybe a month ago and slowly spread to people like the Donut faggot.
Whatever it may be I might just end up getting a buzzcut out of spite. Nobody seems to really respect me both online and IRL, so I might need to change things up a bit.
>TFW I have that much influence over my prince that i can get him to do shit just by typing shit
I'm so fucking POWERFUL.
I'm sure it's mostly trolling, though it's gotten a bit out of hand today.
If it's not trolling, I'm thinking they're all obese and unkempt brown people who gave up on women and think men are going to be easier. Of course I'm at fault for some of it, yes.
Rather odd how at least 3-4 people have tried to do this stuff to me now. I can't even remember the order of how it went, but I know it started with SoyGoy about maybe a month ago and slowly spread to people like the Donut faggot.
Whatever it may be I might just end up getting a buzzcut out of spite. Nobody seems to really respect me both online and IRL, so I might need to change things up a bit.
Go on a bulk and hit the gym or something, yeah
do it and send me a picture when you are done.
could be a week or two
ive asked my parents about this before and they actually didnt want me to do it for some reason lol

i grew my hair out in the first place because my ears protrude a little bit and i wanted to hide them, cant believe it led to all of this