Why is this shit website so slow?

When users are permabanned, they are automatically set to 'discouraged' which leads them to having issues with the site loading. However, it doesn't revert when a user is unbanned. This has happened to others that I've unbanned.

I've since set it off for you.
Am I set to 'discouraged' because this site is slow for me a lot of times
for anyone wondering the discouraged mode is real it takes fucking forever to load pages and post comments this is actually unusable i didnt think the admins had some psychological horror shit embedded into the site wtf mate
>are you vaxed and boosted?
i have a meningitis vaccine and the other one i forgot

man this is so slow i might aswell be writing a fucking old telegram message or some message in morse code on horse back sent to someone 3k miles away its actually that bad