Why does /pol/troons hate Christianity so much?

Because the
Torah is the true path.
Christianity isn't anti-white. There isn't anything in the Bible that says you can't be racist, or look after your race. All it says is that anyone can follow Jesus and you can't use racism as an excuse for sin (i.e. raping someone because they aren't white).

1. Atheists are statistically on average, way more anti-white, pro-immigration and pro-sodomy than Christians.
2. Most pagans are gays or lesbians who left the church because of le bigtory. A few Nazi pagans on /pol/ aren't the majority.
3. Yes there are brown Christians but so what? There are plenty of brown pagans as well. Animism (African Paganism) is the third most popular religion in Africa and was by far the most popular before colonialism, and there are plenty of Pagan Native Americans. That isn't even mentioning India.
4. If you actually cared about white people you would appeal to the common interests of white people regardless of religion instead of throwing up a shitstorm about how Christianity is le evil and we all need to worship Brahmin.

TLDR Pagans like to pretend that every pagan is a based aryan warrior while every Christian is a gay brown sodomite when in reality pagans are just as if not more so brown and gay as Christians. Christians aren't perfect but they are way more traditional, nationalistic and right wing than pagans or atheists on average.
Christians in your country make up roughly 1% so is a bit stupid to base your opinion on all Christians worlwide on this.
I constantly see on 4cuck and da sharty about christians of all kinds of denominations doing jewish things like supporting fags and rapefugees doe. The leader of catholics is very cucked as well
I don’t know because I don’t really look at loli shit. If you believe that loli is in fact as serious as real cp then you shouldn’t use the booru because there is really cp on it

>If you believe that loli is in fact as serious as real cp then you shouldn’t use the booru because there is really cp on it
Anyways here are some of my opinions on why pol has a lot of christianity haters.
1. POL induced depression.
pol is filled with shills and glowniggers working 24/7 to demoralize and divide as much as possible. It is easier to fall to them than it is to shut them out of your mind so naturally a higher statistic of people who frequent pol will be demoralized and psyoped than not.
2. Lack of faith due to the state of the world and hearing about all the bad stuff that happens to it on pol. You have to make some logical concessions and mental gymnastics if you want to rest easy on "god will fix it soon, and there is surely some reason why he is letting it happen now"
3. The church and christian community is compromised. Either deuluded into preaching passivity and turning the other (ass)cheek (so the humanists can rape you and pariah you anyways) OR legit mindbroken gay pastor tier marxist subhuman political reducation camp disguised. Also this (

Ironically while being christian doesn't make you a christcuck, "christcucks" are a real and common thing. A christcuck is what I would define as a person who thinks it's christly to be a passive little bitch who bows to worldly evils they delude themselves into thinking are actually godly.