When did you first use the sharty

So many newtroons itt. Figures.

So, I can pinpoint the exact /pol/ thread and post that introduced me to soyjak.party in 13th January 2022:

I was there for the constant downtime. I was there for the rollback. I was there for the pinned /soy/ thread linking to the old Booru archives. And stuff.
Lurked for the first time in late 2020 after I saw a gif of a soyjak dancing at the disco somewhere in 4chud, probably /int/ or /pol/.
I was browsing it for 3 months, but after initial hype it was dead as frick. One post per 6 hours on /soy/ and other boards were even more dead. I remember from this period that some janny banned boymoder poster which was impossible on /qa/. Also there was more /qa/-esque anime or other nas on /soy/.
There was a period of ~6 months in 2021 when I have been lurnking sharty only ~3 times and seeing nothing much interesting. Then I became addicted to /qa/ and came back to soyjak party.
It was a surprise when around 2021 or 2022 there were threads on /int/ which engaged my attention. I onle browse /int/ on sharty now.