2024 oldGOD
Going to classes
Also why is Saul Goodman about to ack.
cry about it
ugly copeglasses look like shit on 90% of people
and even the 10% that look good with them look about the same or better with contacts
bullied child awardDealing with other people.
>glasses LE GOOD even though soyboys wear them>VGH... COME ON, GO IN MY EYE ALREADY! *dropped it again award* *can't get his contact in award*
<*sets piece of plastic behind ears, it gently adjusts down upon the nose, and voila, the sense of sight has returned* Ah, good morning.
It's always perplexing why people decide to make my life shit and miserable even doe I LITERALLY dindu nuffinbullied child award
>soyboys le bad even doe there would be no soy culture without them>glasses LE GOOD even though soyboys wear them
Am I the only one on this website that has normal eyes?Glasses make you look like a nerd. And I'm forgetful so glasses aren't for me.