Discussion What would you do if you were stuck on island with schlog users?


TurkARYAN supremacy. For anyone who doesn't know this is a sport where you get down to your pants like shown in the pic, get oiled up and wrestle.
You should go to a championship and claim the title, while yelling the schlog
That's retarded dude I wouldn't get any points for knocking out wrestlers
>Those hairy turkish wrestlers who probably have wives and children look like they suck dicks because they're a million times more manly than me
Uhhh... Okay buddy
It's called a beard dude
I'd become the tribe leader and make everyone begin to worship Soytan as the new deity that'd bring prosperity to our island. I'd make people do funny dances as part of a ritual, but really it'd be for my own amusement. Villagers would make offerings to her that I'd then eat during the night. If this plan failed I'd probably fish until I died.