What purpose does this nigga serve?

feralteen cuz he was a prominent namefag from der cord
YuriGOD cuz everytime he posted he would always be like "oooh my fetish is so weird right guys, loool i jack off to weird stuff right guys"
plushiefucker i think deleted their account o algo
and konata for being annoying as fuck
i made a thread about YuriGOD on KiwiFarms (i just copypasted the thread i made about him on here o algo) but my account got banned for like the forth time and the thread got nished
i made a thread about YuriGOD on KiwiFarms (i just copypasted the thread i made about him on here o algo) but my account got banned for like the forth time and the thread got nished
xes a literal who that wants attention for jerking off to drawings of gore
lets stop giving it attention
I would gladly be more active if it weren’t for all the troons and 12 year olds running around posting brimstone.
Mr Weebhunter3000;

You are admin, you have the power to banish them.

~ Mist.

Soypublic, Soystad GJ99 43-100