Meta We're back

Sadly enough churro used to be quite good but sharty/pol/ won out in the end because of poor leadership and gay drama.
Sadly enough churro used to be quite good but sharty/pol/ won out in the end because of poor leadership and gay drama.
if the churro had memeflags and didnt bug out every 2 days then it would surpass shartypol by ppd
(it already did at the start with 4k ppd)
also the cp spamming shithole that is wouldnt have been made
if the churro had memeflags and didnt bug out every 2 days then it would surpass shartypol by ppd
(it already did at the start with 4k ppd)
also the cp spamming shithole that is wouldnt have been made
The fact that woot was a retard didn't help either.