>Maybe someone can answer me here, but if you're an atheist and believe in objective morality, on what ground do you base yourself ?
Objective morality means "I've got the morality answer key right here". Subjective morality means "You aren't going to find an answer key."
The point of subjective morality is that they have no basis. They typically keep doing things they want to do when they are disgusted or angry or ambitious. If they say something is immoral, it is actually an imperative statement: "X is immoral" -> "DO NOT do X"
>In my eyes, if God doesn't exist, isn't the only base for morality the rule of nature and evolution, hence the law of the strongest ?
Libtards try to argue something almost opposite that subjective morality implies "equality" or "tolerance" between cultures or moral frameworks because none are greater than the others. Both of these are attempts to synthesize a basis from the absence of a basis and neither manage to cross the is-ought barrier. Fascism/futurism came closest to pure logical deduction on this matter, albeit their exact actions and aesthetics are not implied.
>If to the subject there is no tangible difference between freedom and enslavement, then to me it isn't a problem.
karmicmaxxing overlord hypothesis naturallawcels... we were right... they don't care... they don't know... the cow accepts the fence...
@JC Denton
>veganism is inefficient
Loss per trophic level would say no but productivity of ranchland might say yes yet I want to eat meat albeit I don't care if most people are made to eat soy lessover there are great men working at target because of society moreunder I want to be a modern day buccaneer smuggler lessunder there are eyes in the sky