>If immigrants come to 'jak, ima be real I have NO problem with them, no matter how far off the mark they initially are, they'll learn.
So far they’ve been assimilating fairly well, mostly because the injokes haven’t gotten big offsite. In the case that it does, though, very few of the millions of tiktokers will bother learning about the sharty or assimilating. They will just spam coal and brimstone, while all the applause from the millions of other newteens will drown out the criticism of oldGODS and make them think their actually posting gems
>the open and free culture of insults and nigger words is plenty gatekeeping already
Looksmax.org was filled with racists but that didn’t stop TikTokers from raping their “culture”
I’m fine with the new teens right now since they are trying to assimilate, and I don’t think we should gatekeep those people. I’m just worried that if our injokes get too popular offsite they won’t try to assimilate anymore, and I don’t want that to happen