Yes. Satan has such a tight grip on so many of us. It's quite sad. Just some days ago of this week, as I was sitting on a bench in a usually-quiet hallway of my school, waiting for a buddy of mine to arrive so that we could talk before classes started, I overheard these two ladies talking as they sat on another bench down the hall a little ways further. They were both about the same age as me. One was Oriental-looking, maybe a mix-breed, and the other was White, with dyed hair and some rather immodest clothing. The woman with the colorful hair was talking about how this Russian immigrant girl who had moved into the area was friends with her last year, but they had split up following the Russian's parents decision to homeschool her, and from the Russian girl's "brainwashed views" on society, that conflicted with color-hair's opinions. The story was, from what I heard, that this girl had told her parents about the evil they've been teaching in my school (mainly in the English classes) that subtly pushes a positive outlook of homosexuals and transvestites onto students by including the topics of either into some of the stories or texts that we read, and so the parents got real pissed and took their daughter out of public school soon after. Both color-hair and her friend, however, sounded shocked at this story, saying such things as (I paraphrase, but my memory is accurate) "Yeah, I remember she was saying really disgusting stuff about trans people when it came up in our conversations... it just wasn't okay" and "They're people too, I fucking hate a lot of the guys at this school because no one is ever accepting of me as a lesbian, for example". It wasn't that long after I overheard this entire conversation that they then left. The silence in that hallway was not enough to quiet the disappointment in my head once they walked away. Seeing women of the general public be deceived by such ploys of wickedness, speaking of such turpitude with so casual a tone, enslaving themselves to it in their very ways of life; it is a very heartbreaking thing.
At least half the bad things happening today would never have happened if women never got the right to vote. And all of them wouldn't have happened if we didn't have democracy to begin with.