Rant Tripfags, namefags and /qa/fags are coal

I have one, but rather because I interacted with a thread that said you needed trips ITT and I just never bothered to remove them from the namefield autofill.
Avatarfagging is acceptable, namefagging is gay, but tripfagging is a level below brimstone becuase it's namefagging except with a level of anti-falseflagging to it to protect your stupid internet reputation.
/qa/ tripfags would actually lose in a fight to terrycrews since they are all Discord tier circlejerkers who get into fights over internet slop and shitskin countries that have as much relevance as Haiti (remember what Biden said about Haiti).
safe edgy award posted it again award no real facts again award repepeated it again award
You live in Canada, you're mixed Indian-Jewish and you rely on leftoids for food, so I'm not sure why you talk about race 24/7

Of course the spic shitskin loves pajeets
Who's gonna be the best man at your wedding with Hamas?
Don't talk to me, I don't like brown people. Thanks.
I'm white, you're a pajeet with T50 eyes and black hair, if you don't like brown people you should probably kill yourself
Can you send me a reference photo of Hamas? I've already made a doll of you but I can't make a doll of him without knowing what he looks like.
I don't have one, wait you made a doll of me?
How do I unwatch this thread? I don't like having migrants disturbing me.
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