Just learn basic gun safety and nothing is gonna go wrong. Seriously. Most guns have built-in safeties that make them inert pieces of metal incapable of firing anything, you'd have to be purposely fucking around with a gun (or not know that the safety was off beforehand) for it to be dangerous to anyone.
I literally don't care. It's scary to me. I've never been on a plane because it scares me. I don't do anything that scares me.
I literally don't care. It's scary to me. I've never been on a plane because it scares me. I don't do anything that scares me.
This is why everyone calls you a pussy. Life is about taking risks and knowing whether it was worth it or not; you're never gonna get anywhere if you don't leave your safespace.
This is why everyone calls you a pussy. Life is about taking risks and knowing whether it was worth it or not; you're never gonna get anywhere if you don't leave your safespace.
Yes but I've already given up. What don't you get? I don't care if I'm a pussy. I feel safe that way. I don't want to take risks. I just want to be happy.
Yes but I've already given up. What don't you get? I don't care if I'm a pussy. I feel safe that way. I don't want to take risks. I just want to be happy.
Didn't you say you were 21? Already? You've given up already? The only thing stopping you from doing anything advanced is your physical disability, (autism does not matter at all, grow some balls) I don't get why'd be so pessimistic and pitiful at such a young age.