[#ffe70d] My style is ridiculous!
We create ways to kill niggers in this thread, examples include:
• Beat niggers with a rock
• Explode niggers
• Strap nigger babies to warheads
This is a little bigoted don't you think? Like idk what black people did to you lol. Even if (God forbid) you had been wronged prior by someone of African descent, that shouldn't give you a free pass to demonise the entire race. Everybody is their own unique person and that makes up their own mind and doesn't think the same as everyone else to hating on a group of people based on something as shallow as race is a bit stupid. Like we're all the same on the inside anyway lol, like we all have the same emotions and capability of thought, no one is lesser than anybody else.
Rvcemixing :
A ytboi and a black queen marry and have children. A black bvll and a ytwimin marry and have children
Blacks don't marry each others, but whites still can.

You do the same with the next generation, the blackest of rvcmixed children only marry with pvre ytpipo, while dem ytpipo still marry one another.
Forward 10 generations, TND.

Btw isn't that how Yakub's cousin or brother made the ytpipo back into KANGZ in Nation of Islam lore fanfiction or something ?
Ah yeah found it
Rvcemixing :
A ytboi and a black queen marry and have children. A black bvll and a ytwimin marry and have children
Blacks don't marry each others, but whites still can.

You do the same with the next generation, the blackest of rvcmixed children only marry with pvre ytpipo, while dem ytpipo still marry one another.
Forward 10 generations, TND.

Btw isn't that how Yakub's cousin or brother made the ytpipo back into KANGZ in Nation of Islam lore fanfiction or something ?
Ah yeah found it
why are you peddling cult shit
@Malzy_Moo unfortunately has no sense of humor

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