Discussion The state of the 'sharty is bad and all, but holy shit other soysphere sites might be worse at this point

>'tan is built for BWC
How did you ever become such a porn addicted loser to where you say shit like that? Genuinely kill yourself.
It's ironic, I don't even like soytan that much it's just bait. There's no moral barrier that makes me dislike racebaiting here because the majority of the userbase aren't children unlike the 'sharty

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The 'arty isn't even in that bad of a state. I don't get what people are one about. Yeah, root and nuDev aren't doing everything they should do, but we have plenty of gemmy threads. It's not like 'lita or spadeson is being spammed every other thread. We have ten or so active operation threads. The /soy/ sings thread is wrapping up. The meximutt map thread. I could go on. The 'arty is far from being at a low point. I prefer root and nudev experiment rather than sit around and do nothing, especially when all the changes are temporary unless they get good feedback.
The 'arty isn't even in that bad of a state. I don't get what people are one about. Yeah, root and nuDev aren't doing everything they should do, but we have plenty of gemmy threads. It's not like 'lita or spadeson is being spammed every other thread. We have ten or so active operation threads. The /soy/ sings thread is wrapping up. The meximutt map thread. I could go on. The 'arty is far from being at a low point. I prefer root and nudev experiment rather than sit around and do nothing, especially when all the changes are temporary unless they get good feedback.
put the entire boot in his mouth award