Well-known schlogga
Isaac Newton was the smartest person to ever live
Isaac Newton was the smartest person to ever live
he was only fluent in one language albeitsatoko_houjou_fan was the smartest person to ever live and he was an ESL (he speaks two languages)
Saying "obsessed brimstone" over and over counts as English...obsessed wit himm ay ay ayhe was only fluent in one language albeit
Democracy looks even worse when you realize what it really is: Smokes and mirrors.At least with a king, you can see who's in charge. With a republic, the power lies in whoever can convince the politicians to do what they want, and those people aren't easily visible
I think that's why people are monarchists rather than advocating for just dictatorshipsDemocracy doesn't work in societies that are foolish. That do not do anything to prevent the government from profiteering off it. However i think that in 90% of the cases authoritarian nations do even worse in terms of providing a good, and stable country to live in and i'd still choose to live in a democratic nation evenTHOUGH a huge chunk of voters are always gullible retards. Life.
children can be trilingual with no effort put in just by being born in the right place albeit>doing a cognitively difficult thing... doesn't make you cognitively competent!
bad selfish rulerseven doe people flee authoritarian shitholes all the time
Democracy is good when only I can vote, making it an autocracyDemocracy is good when women can't vote, not because it works very well but just because some of them get mad about not being able to.
>democracy is satanicAlso this thread has satanic quads
No anti-democracy is satanic retard>democracy is satanic
What else would you expect from DEMONocracyAlso this thread has satanic quads